Annual Report
A Second
Harvest Message

From Harald Herrmann and Claudia Keller

People served29,073,831
Pounds of food distributedBY THE

People served—monthly average42,166,069
Pounds of food distributed45
Year-over-year increase in food distributedBY THE

People served - monthly average19,677,868
Pounds of food distributed95
Year-over-year increase in food distributedCRISIS

People served - monthly average18,092,900
Pounds of food distributed113
Year-over-year increase in food distributedEYE OF
We Ran Towards
the Need
In early March, Second Harvest published a crisis plan to meet the dual challenges of the rapidly shifting landscape of the economic and hunger crises caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Our swift and deliberate actions were informed by economic and scientific data and medical best practices, which allowed us to feed the growing number of food-insecure residents, whose lives had been upended by school closures, shelter in place orders and job losses.
Our team quickly innovated new ways to safely, efficiently and quickly meet the unprecedented demand for food—up to a 400% increase in our pantry network—and to rapidly distribute the millions of pounds of food needed throughout Orange County.
- We hired 140 individuals who lost jobs due to the pandemic as temporary employees preparing food boxes for distribution.
- Our all-volunteer Harvest Truck Brigade delivered 95,642 boxes to those who needed it most: children and their families, seniors isolated at home and people with critical care needs.
- For 15 consecutive Saturdays between March and June, we provided more than 2 million pounds of food to more than 62,436 cars at our Honda Center drive thru food distribution.

Our COVID-19 Response

Cal State Fullerton student waiting to receive food at Pathways of Hope.

Laguna Food Pantry volunteers with food for a hungry family in Laguna Beach.

Loading food at Giving Children Hope's weekly drive thru in Buena Park.

Handing out food to homeless clients at Mary's Kitchen in Anaheim.

Volunteer packs food boxes for distribution at Pathways of Hope in Fullerton.

Saddleback Church volunteer places Care Box into a family's car.

St. Timothy Food Pantry volunteers packing food for weekly distribution in Laguna Niguel.

Student receives his food box at UC Irvine's Fresh Basic Needs Hub.

Students wait in food line at UC Irvine's Fresh Basic Needs Hub.
Second Harvest sources and purchases food for distribution to our incredible network of partners who feed the hungry in every city in Orange County.
We provided millions of pounds of food to houses of worship, schools, after-school programs, senior centers, homeless shelters, soup kitchens and transitional housing facilities. Our committed partners work with us to provide a critical hand up to all in need and their selfless dedication inspires us every day.
- 449 Recovery
- 7th Day Adventist Anaheim
- 7th Day Adventist Church Fullerto
- Abraham Lincoln Elementary School – Lion's De
- Abrazar at Midway City Community Center
- American Family Housing
- Amerige Villa
- Anaheim Independencia – La Colonia Market
- Anaheim United Methodist Church
- Anderson Elementary School
- Approach Learning at Canal
- Ball Junior High School
- Bayview Landing Apartments
- Bel'AGE Apartments
- Beswick Kid's Center
- Betsy Ross Elementary School
- Betsy Ross Elementary School
- Boys & Girls Club of Buena Park
- Boys & Girls Club of Laguna Beach
- Boys & Girls Club of Stanton
- Boys & Girls Club of the South Coast Area
- Boys & Girls Club of Westminster
- Boys & Girls Clubs of Capistrano Valley
- Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Orange Coast
- Boys & Girls Clubs of Garden Grove
- Boys & Girls Clubs of Huntington Valley
- Boys & Girls Clubs of La Habra
- Boys & Girls Clubs of Tustin
- Boys Hope Girls Hope of California
- Bracken's Kitchen
- Brea Senior Center
- Bridge Community Church
- Buena Clinton Youth & Family Center
- Buena Park Senior Center
- Calvary Chapel Beachside
- Calvary Chapel Fullerton
- Calvary Chapel Westgrove
- Cambridge Elementary School
- Carbon Creek Shores Apartments
- Casa Santa Maria Apartments
- Casa Teresa, Inc.
- Catholic Charities of Orange County
- Cathy Torrez Learning Center
- Center for Healthy Neighborhoods CSUF
- Chatham Village Apartments
- Child Abuse Prevention Center
- Christ Cathedral Parish Community Outreach
- Christ Lutheran Church
- Christian Services Corporation Food Pantry
- Church of Christ at Mission Viejo
- Church of Christ Buena Park
- Church of Nazarene (Iglesia del Nazareno Comunidad de fe)
- COA Ministries
- Coast Hills Community Church
- Coastline Community College
- Commonwealth Elementary School
- Community Church of Christ
- Community Garden Towers
- Community of Christ
- Companerismo Rey de Reyes
- Connected Blessing
- Cool Water Ministries
- Costa Mesa Church of Christ
- Costa Mesa Senior Center
- County Community Service Center
- Crescent Clinic Food Pantry/ICNA Relief
- Crossline Community Church
- CSUF Tuffy's Basics Need Service Center
- Cypress Community College
- Cypress Sunrise Village
- Delhi Center
- Dr. Albert Schweitzer Elementary School
- Dr. Jonas E. Salk Elementary School
- Dr. Peter Marshall Elementary School
- El Cerrito Elementary School
- El Modena Family Resource Center
- El Sol Science & Arts Academy – Mercado El Sol
- EngAGE
- Esplanade Elementary School
- Esther L. Walter Elementary School
- Faith Deliverance Apostolic Church
- Families Forward
- Families Together Community Health Center
- Family Assistance Ministries
- Family Health Matters – North OC Regional Health Foundation
- Father Serra's Food Pantry – Mission Basilica
- First Evangelical Free Church
- First Lutheran Church of Fullerton
- First Presbyterian Church Garden Grove
- First Presbyterian Church of Orange
- First Step House at Charle Street
- First United Methodist Church of Fountain Valley
- Freedom Bible Church
- Friendly Center
- Friendship Baptist Church
- Fullerton Community Center
- G.R.A.C.E. Social and Medical Service
- Garden Grove Friends Church
- Garnet Neighborhood Center
- GG Magnolia Park Youth & Family Center
- Gilbert Neighborhood Center
- Giving Children Hope
- Golden West College
- Goodwill Industries of Orange County
- Gospel Light Church of God in Christ
- Grandma's House of Hope
- Grateful Hearts
- Guidestone Church
- Hart Community Homes, Inc
- Heart of the City
- Heideman Elementary School
- Helen Estock Elementary School
- Helping Others Prepare for Eternity
- Heritage Elementary School
- Heritage Park Senior Apartments
- Heritage Village
- Heritage Villas
- His Place Church
- Holy Family SVDP
- Holy Mother Mission
- Hope House Corporation
- Hope Lutheran Church Food Pantry
- Horace Mann Elementary School
- Huntingon Villa Apartments
- ICNA Relief
- Illumination Foundation
- Immaculate Heart of Mary Church SVDP
- Irvine Valley College
- Islamic Society of Orange County
- Journey Evangelical Church
- Juliette Low Elementary School
- KidWorks
- Klimpel Manor
- Korean Community Services
- La Habra Community Center
- La Habra Family Resource Center
- La Habra Hills Presbyterian Church
- La Purisima Church – Trinity Guild
- La Semilla
- Laguna Food Pantry
- Lampson Elementary School
- L'Arche Wavecrest/Abraham House
- Lathrop Intermediate School
- Latino Health Access
- Laura's House
- Livingstone Community Health Clinic
- Lord Baden-Powell Elementary School
- Los Alamitos Recreation Center
- Lutheran Church of the Cross
- Lutheran Social Services
- Mariner's Church
- Mariner's Huntington Beach at Westmont Elementary
- Mary's Kitchen
- Mattie Lou Maxwell Elementary School
- Melinda Hoag Smith Center for Healthy Living
- Melrose Elementary School
- Mental Health Association of OC/Homeless Outreach
- Miracles for Kids Inc.
- Miraloma Park Family Resource Center
- Native American United Methodist Church
- Newport Church
- Newsong Community Church
- Norman P. Murray Community Center
- North Orange Christian Church
- Oak View Elementary School
- Office of Assemblywoman Sharon Quirk-Silva
- Orange Coast College
- Orange County Educational Arts Academy
- Orange County Rescue Mission
- Orange County SPCA No Empty Bowls
- Orange Hills Assembly Church
- Orange Senior Center
- Orangethorpe Christian Church
- Orangethorpe United Methodist
- Orangeview Junior High School
- Orangewood Foundation
- Our Lady of Guadalupe Apartments
- Pacific Drive Elementary School – Dolphin Market
- Pathways of Hope
- Patrick Henry Elementary School
- Paul Revere Elementary School
- Peters Elementary School
- Placentia Senior Center
- Ponderosa Elementary School
- Ponderosa Park Family Resource Center
- Presidio Apartments
- Project Access
- Project Dignity
- Project Hope Alliance
- Project S.H.U.E.
- Radiant Health Centers
- Raise Foundation
- Raymon A. Villa Fundamental Intermediate School
- Reunion Church
- RH Dana Elementary School
- Richman Neighborhood Center
- River 47 Church – An Evangelical Covenant Church of Orange
- Robert M. Pyles Elementary School
- Roque Center, Inc.
- Rose Drive Friends Church
- Rosswood Villa Apartments
- Sabil USA
- Saddleback Church
- Salvation Army
- San Antonio de Padua Del Canon Church-Family Assistance
- San Francisco Solano Church
- Santa Ana College
- Santa Ana High School
- Santiago Canyon College
- Sarang Community Church
- SCT Charities
- Seasons at La Palma
- Serve The People
- Share Our Selves
- Simmons Elementary School
- Skyview Elementary School – Eagle's Catch
- Solara Court
- Someone Cares Soup Kitchen
- Son Light Christian Center
- South County Outreach
- Southlands Church
- Southwest Community Center
- St. Anselm Episcopal Church
- St. Anthony Claret SVDP
- St. Bonaventure Church Hope Office
- St. Boniface Church
- St. Cecilia's Christian Service
- St. Columban SVDP
- St. Elizabeth Ann Seton SVDP
- St. Irenaeus Hope
- St. John's Lutheran Church
- St. Joseph's Placentia SVDP
- St. Joseph's School Santa Ana SVDP
- St. Juliana SVDP
- St. Justin Martyr SVDP
- St. Kilian Catholic Church
- St. Mary by the Sea SVDP
- St. Mary's Church
- St. Michael's Society
- St. Norbert's Christian Service
- St. Paul's Episcopal Church
- St. Philip Benizi SVDP
- St. Pius V – SVDP
- St. Thomas More SVDP
- St. Timothy Catholic Church
- St. Vincent de Paul Church
- Stanton Community Services Center
- Straight Talk/Gerry House
- Summer Harvest Food for Kids, Inc
- Surf City Church/First United Methodist Church HB
- Sycamore Junior High School
- Teen Challenge International
- The Bell Tower Foundation
- The Cambodian Familiy Community Center
- The Men with Vision Food Pantry
- The Rock
- The Teen Project
- Theodore Roosevelt Elementary School
- Thomas Edison Elementary School
- Thorman Elementary & Currie Middle Schools
- Topaz Elementary School
- Tustin Area Community Service
- Tustin Area Senior Center
- Tustin Family & Youth Center
- Tustin Gardens Apartments
- Tyrol Plaza
- UCI Family Health Center Santa Ana
- UCI FRESH Basic Needs Hub
- Valenica Park Elementary School
- Valley High School
- VCC:The Gary Center
- Villa Anaheim
- Villa Paloma Apartments
- Village Bible Church
- Village Center Apartments
- Vineyard Christian Fellowship
- Vintage Aliso Apartments
- Violette Elementary School
- Walt Disney Elementary School
- Washington Elementary School
- We Give Thanks, Inc
- Webber Elementary School
- Welcome House Gilbert
- West Anaheim United Methodist Church
- West Orange Elementary School
- Westmont Elementary School
- Whitten Community Center
- WIC Ball
- WIC Costa Mesa
- WIC La Habra
- WIC La Palma
- WIC Lincoln
- WIC Santa Ana West
- Wilshire Avenue/Heart of Downtown
- Women's Step House
- Woodbury Elementary School
- Woodcrest Elementary School
- Woodrow Wilson Elementary School
- Yorba Linda Community Center
- Yorba Linda Food For Families
- Youth Center of Orange
- Zion Lutheran Church
Compared to the countywide average of 2.8% in February, alarming increases continue in all 34 cities
Although unemployment is falling, the pandemic persists—as does the resulting economic fallout. Unfortunately, we anticipate high unemployment and its effects on people in our community will continue to challenge us for many months to come. While some businesses are making slow comebacks, others will not recover; forcing far too many families to make impossible choices between paying rent or buying food.

EDD unemployment numbers by city in September 2020.

Second Harvest estimates the unemployment rates to be 4% higher to include people who:
- Have filed for unemployment but are not receiving benefits
- Are underemployed due to reduced work schedules
- Have dropped out of unemployment filing
- Have made no claims or filings
Food Plan
In order to meet the heightened need for food, we
developed a forecast for the months ahead.
Food Shortfall
Unemployment Rate
+ 4% Unaccounted Need
= Estimated Pounds of Needed Food*
Food Need
— Planned Sources
of Donated and
Purchased Food
= Estimated Food
Supply Shortfall
= Needed
= Needed
*The underlying assumption for this food model is based on food pounds distributed in
June when unemployment was 18% (EDD 14% + 4%). The plan is directional.
JAN | FEB | MAR | APR | MAY | JUN | JAN-JUN | JUL-DEC | 2021 | |
Unemployment | 13.5% | 13% | 12.5% | 12% | 11.5% | 10% | 12% | 8.25% | 10% |
Needed Food Pounds | 4.5M | 4.3M | 4.2M | 4.0M | 3.8M | 3.3M | 24.1M | 16.5M | 40.6M |
Total Supply Pounds | 1.7M | 1.8M | 1.8M | 1.9M | 1.9M | 2.0M | 11.1M | 12.5M | 23.6M |
Funded Pounds | 2.1M | 1.1M | 310K | 154K | 154K | 154K | 4M | 0 | 4.0M |
Shortfall Pounds | 700K | 1.4M | 2M | 1.9M | 1.7M | 1.1M | 8.9M | 4.0M | 12.9M |
Revenue Needed | $456K | $901K | $1.3M | $1.2M | $1.1M | $745K | $5.7M | $2.5M | $8.2M |
Unemployment: EDD +4%
Total Supply Pounds: Emergency Food Assistance Program, Trade Mitigation, Donated
Funded = Planned Purchases
Current Average Truckload 35,000 Pounds or $22,516

We’re here together
This video captures the spirit of what we have seen and experienced over the past few months.
FY 2020
Donated Food & Services | $73,378,714 | |
Contributions | $9,433,250 | |
Grants & Awards | $4,310,876 | |
Events & Solicitations | $2,827,956 | |
Contract Revenue & Participation Fees | $2,419,979 | |
Other Income | $8,685 | |
Total Revenue | $92,379,460 |
Program Services | $82,470,571 | |
Management & General | $2,102,595 | |
Fundraising | $1,781,836 | |
Total Expenses | $86,355,002 |
Financials presented are pre final audit.
In accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, the value of donated food and professional services is treated as in-kind revenue and in-kind expense. In FY2020 Program Services included in-kind expense totaling $73,605,357.
Board of

A message from Kate Klimow

Kate Klimow
University of California, Irvine

Dave Coffaro
Strategic Advisory Consulting Group

Tracy Bryars
St. Jude Medical Center

Katherine Le
Mortgage Service Providers
Board Members

Alex Parker
Redline Detection & Harvesters

Brigid Noonan
Society of St. Vincent de Paul

Dan Grable
Goodman North America

David Hasenbalg
City National Bank

Gregory Scott
Community Action Partnership Orange County

Jim Morris
Rutan & Tucker

Joe Fuszard
Bank of America

John Ralls
Community HealthComm

Karen Hernandez

Kathy Bronstein
KB Bronstein Merchandising and Management Consulting

Melissa Hill
Albertsons, Vons and Pavilions

Rob Neal
Hager Pacific Properties

Salman Alam
Western Digital

Teddie Ray
Community Leader & Real Estate Investment Specialist
We Couldn’t Do
This Without You
Thank You
- 3M Foundation, Inc.
- Abar Foundation
- Thomas and Bonnie Abate
- Abbott Medical Optics
- Adim Corp.
- Yael Aflalo
- Bette Aitken
- Matthew and Hope Alcone
- Larry and Sophia Alexander
- William Allen
- Ambassadors of Rancho San Joaquin Golf Course
- American Honda Motor Co., Inc.
- AmeriHome Mortgage
- William and Fay Amneus
- Anaheim Community Foundation
- Anaheim Ducks Foundation
- Andersen Corporate Foundation
- Don and Ginger Anderson
- Kristen Anderson
- Andrew Kramer Foundation
- Angels Baseball Foundation, Inc.
- Anthem Blue Cross
- Argyros Family Foundation
- Arlo Technologies, Inc.
- AstraZeneca
- AT&T Foundation
- Viva and Terry Bailey
- Bank of America Charitable Foundation
- Laura and James Baratta
- Allen and Nanci Barbieri
- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barbour
- Ali and Robert Bartholomew
- Theresa and Dick Beauchamp
- Carole and Ronald Berg
- Toni Berlinger
- Dennis and Carol Berryman
- Beyond the Flash Foundation
- Jeff Bezos
- Bixby Land Company
- Blodgett Trust
- Jeanette Boras
- Kate Boundy
- BoxLunch
- Brenden Mann Foundation
- Seth and Stephanie Brindis
- Kathy Bronstein
- Donald and Antoinette Brosius
- Louis Burgener
- C.J. Segerstrom & Sons
- Leslie Calhoun
- California Association of Food Banks
- California Foundation for Stronger Communities
- Bridget and Argyle Campbell
- Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation
- Carl E. Wynn Foundation
- John Carlton
- Erika Carson
- CBRE Foundation, Inc.
- Ray and Debbie Chao
- Chinese American Club
- Chinmaya Mission Los Angeles
- Stephen Chong
- City National Bank
- David and Carrie Coffaro
- Comerica Charitable Foundation
- Comic Relief US
- Roxanne and Bill Comrie
- Costco Wholesale
- Crate & Barrel
- Sean Culmer
- Janet and Jonathon Curci
- Curci Fund
- Mark and Kathryn Curran
- Darden Foundation
- David R. Clare and Margaret C. Clare Foundation
- Peggy L. Day and Delos Knight
- Deloitte
- Dermody Properties Foundation
- DevTo Support Foundation
- John Diebel
- Maurice Dillow
- Disney VoluntEARS
- DLJ Produce Inc.
- Dorothy Dostal
- David Doyle
- Heidi and Mark Draper
- Heather Dubrow
- Greg and Dorothy Duncan
- DVD.COM, A Netflix Company
- Lavonne Earl
- Early Autumn Inc.
- Edman Family Fund
- Edwards Lifesciences
- Edwards Lifesciences Foundation
- Eldridge Family Charitable Fund
- Elizabeth Elmore
- Employees Community Fund of Boeing California
- Enterprise Holdings Foundation
- Irene and Fred Erdtsieck
- Susan and Mike Etchandy
- Joann and Anthony Fanticola
- Feeding America
- Ellen Feldberg-Gordon and Michael Gordon
- Martin and Kirsten Fereday
- Bruce and Anne Fettel
- Joshua Finfrock
- First Republic Bank
- Annie Fisher
- FivePoint Communities
- Jennifer Fonseca
- Catherine Frandsen
- Fred C. and Katherine B. Andersen Foundation
- Freudenberg North America
- Frome Family Foundation
- Fromm Family Charitable Fund
- Stephen and Cynthia Fry
- Full Blessing Church of Christ
- Joseph Fuszard
- George Hoag Family Foundation
- Ali Gilani and Samah Haggag
- John Gillespie
- Daniel Glasser
- Golden State Foods
- Golden State Foods Foundation
- Goodman North America Management, LLC
- Dan and Lisa Grable
- Beverly Graham
- Granite Properties
- Graphic Packaging International
- Stephanie and Ken Grody
- Jennifer Gross
- Guaranteed Rate Foundation
- Wayne and Julia Guenther
- Carmen and Barbara Gullo
- Kyle Gunderlock
- Timothy and Amy Guth
- Lorraine and Thomas Gyulay
- Hadley Charitable Annuity Trust
- Gail Haft
- Sharon Haft
- D.J. and Jennifer Hanlon
- Joyce Hanson
- Michael Harley
- Richard E. Hartman
- Kathleen & David Hawley
- Healthpeak Properties
- Courtney Herrmann
- Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian
- John and Virginia Holtman
- Hometown Foundation
- Horowitz Management, Inc.
- Charles & Tamara Horstmann Charitable Fund
- Crisi and Paul Hosea
- International Paper Foundation
- Eric Jackson
- Georgina Jacobson
- Jain Center of Southern California
- Michelle and Paul Janavs
- Jerome A. Fink Foundation
- Vidya and Sishir Jhaver
- JM Family
- JMH Family Fund
- Joan M. Wismer Foundation
- Michael Joerger
- Jill Johnson-Tucker and Larry Tucker
- Paul Jones
- Damien and Yvonne Jordan
- Karen Jordan
- Joseph R. Tomkinson and Impac Charitable Foundation
- JP Morgan Chase Foundation
- Kaiser Permanente Foundation
- Paul Kariya
- KDM Ventures, Inc.
- Mark Kearns
- Terry Keenen
- Kehl Family Fund
- Ken Grody Ford, Inc.
- Kenneth Picerne Foundation
- Kimberly Kietzke
- Randa and Dean Kim
- Kimley-Horn Foundation
- Scott and Susan Kisting
- Kiva Foundation
- Melissa and Scott Knode
- Bette Kobzeff
- Kohl's National Giving Program
- Frank and Sharon Komin
- Kramer Family Foundation
- Margaret and Gregory Kristoff
- The Kroger Company
- Phyllis Kruckenberg
- Dan La Mont
- Carl and Robin LaBarbera
- Larry and Helen Hoag Foundation
- Michael Lauber
- Eddy and Glenda Laugle
- Lynda Lawrence-Salinger and Tom Salinger
- LBA Realty
- Katherine Le
- Angela Lee
- David Lee
- Joyce Lee
- Richard and Carole Lee
- Yvonne Lemus-Bosu
- Edward Levin and Mindy Laurel Levin
- John and Kathleen Libby
- Living Legacy Foundation
- Perry Lobel
- Mike Long
- Los Angeles Chargers
- LPA Inc.
- Ludy Family Foundation
- Lyons-Smith Family Foundation
- Dustin Mackie
- Macy’s Inc.
- Heather & James Madden V
- Diane Madison
- Marvell Semiconductor, Inc.
- Masco Corporation
- Mazda Foundation, Inc.
- Jessica McCormick
- Liz McKinley
- Trisha and Roy McKinney
- Anne Marie and Gordon McNeill
- Raymon Meliza
- John and Rosetta Michel
- Ingram Micro
- MicroVention, Inc.
- Mission Hospital Regional Medical Center
- Michael Mitchell
- John Mooney and Angela Tripoli
- Jim and Susanne Moore
- Claudia M. Morehead
- MUFG Union Bank, NA
- Mara and Keith Murray
- Nancy and Rick Muth
- Nancy Naftel
- Nationwide Insurance Foundation
- Robert & Bernarda Neal Foundation
- Alison Needham
- John Negus
- Kim and Ricky Nelson
- Nobbs Family Foundation
- Nordstrom, Inc. Home Office
- Norms Restaurants, LLC
- O.L. Halsell Foundation
- Joseph and Ann Obegi
- Michele O’Leary-Koll and Steven Koll
- Orange Circle Studio Corporation
- Orange County Resilience Fund
- Orange County’s United Way
- Pacific Life Foundation
- Teresa and Randy Pagnan
- Jonathan Pak
- Parallel Capital Partners
- Paul & Elisabeth Merage Foundation
- Zachary and Alex Parker
- Paul & Elisabeth Merage Foundation
- PCL Construction Services, Inc.
- Andy Peebler
- Robert Peirson
- Steve and Susie Perry
- Sheila and James Peterson
- Jaime and Andrew Peykoff
- John H. Phelan
- Emiko and Christopher Phillips
- Plocher Insurance Agency Inc.
- PlusOnePlusOnePlusOne
- Judith Posnikoff
- Chris Pounds and Gerardo Okhuysen
- Prescribe Wellness, LLC
- Paul Pursell
- PwC Charitable Foundation
- David and Molly Pyott
- QuestSoft Corporation
- Carrie Quintanar
- Rand Technology
- Frank Randall
- Teddie Ray
- Raymond Handling Solutions
- Roger Reading
- Sishir Reddy
- Jan and Roy Reimer
- Laurie and Kenneth Reiner
- Joel Reiss
- Mary Rempel
- Richard and Elizabeth Steele Endowment Fund
- Richter Farms
- Michelle Rohe
- Roosters Foundation of Orange County
- Ross Family Legacy Foundation Charitable Trust
- RSM US Foundation
- Michael and Tracy Russo
- Ruth Ann Hyson
- Leonard and Mary Ryan
- Saddleback Church
- Bill and Teri Saddler
- Sage Foundation
- Said Cohen Foundation
- Sam's Club Foundation
- SBA Communications Corporation
- SCAN Health Plan
- Virginia Schloemer
- George Schreyer
- Robert and Jean Schrimmer
- Linda and Jeff Schulein
- Linda Schumann
- Kylie Schuyler Hodge and Douglas Hodge
- Timothy and Donna Schwab
- Jennifer and Anton Segerstrom
- Sempra Energy Foundation
- Pawan Seth
- Share Our Strength
- Shepard Bros., Inc.
- Hillary and Scott Simon
- Sisters of St. Joseph Healthcare Foundation
- Veronica and Evan Slavik
- Michael and Sherrill Smith
- Ann and Eric Smyth
- Southern California Gas
- James Sommerville
- Southface Institute
- St. Joseph Health Community Partnership Fund
- St. Jude Medical Center
- Starbucks Coffee
- State Farm Insurance
- Stater Bros. Charities
- Ronald Stern
- John and Angela Stollsteimer
- Storehouse Foundation
- Saints Simon & Jude Catholic Church
- Subaru of America Foundation
- Subway Restaurants
- Superior Wall Systems, Inc.
- Harry and Jan Sweere
- Mark Sweetman
- Cyd Swerdlow
- Swinerton Builders
- Elwood and Janet Talbott
- Marian Tang
- Target Enterprise, Inc.
- Tarsadia Foundation
- Teach A Man To Fish Foundation
- Wendy Tenebaum
- The Albertsons Companies Foundation
- The Allergan Foundation
- The Arsher Charitable Trust
- The Bandai Foundation
- The Bransford Living Trust
- The Comrie Family Charitable Fund
- The Crean Foundation
- The Don Yoder Foundation
- The Father's House OC
- The Fluor Foundation
- The Habit Restaurants, LLC
- The Hexberg Family Foundation
- The Hohener Family Fund
- The Jaffe Family Foundation
- The James & Glenys Slavik Family Foundation
- The James M. Cox Foundation of Georgia Inc.
- The Joseph Family Foundation
- The Kraft Heinz Company
- The Kroger Company Foundation
- The Marisla Foundation
- The Moca Foundation
- The Sachs Trust
- The William, Jeff and Jennifer Gross Foundation
- Athena Thomas
- Bart and Deborah Thomsen
- TJX Companies, Inc.
- TJX Foundation, Inc.
- Troy Group, Inc.
- TSMC North America
- Tustin Sterigenics, A Division of Sotera Health
- Susan and Jim Tyner
- UBS Financial Services, Inc.
- Ueberroth Family Foundation
- Ugalde Family Charitable Foundation
- Mark Ulmer
- Unico, Inc. (Tinto Amorio)
- UPS Foundation
- Victor and Vivian Valdez
- Laura Vanderhook
- Dan Vanderpyl
- Jason and Shelley Vargas
- Beverly Vaughan
- Jon and Robin Visser
- Valaree Wahler
- Walbern Investments USA, LLC
- Wallace Air Cargo Group, Inc.
- Walmart
- Walmart Foundation
- Warne Family Charitable Foundation
- Jaynine and Dave Warner
- Watertree Ventures, LLC
- Watkins Commercial Properties
- John Weiner
- Kathy and Dan Welden
- Kathy and Dan Welden
- Wescom Credit Union We Care Foundation
- James Westling
- Jeffrey and Lora White
- Richard White
- Whole Foods Market
- Winslow Maxwell Charitable Trust
- Bill Witte and Keiko Sakamoto
- Kathleen Wong
- Steve Wyman
- Yardi Systems, Inc.
- Siying Ye
- Nancy and Arn Youngman
- Yum! Brands Foundation, Inc.
In-Kind Donors
- Albertsons/Vons/Pavillions
- Allied Potato (Daily American Inc.)
- Amazon
- Anaheim Ducks
- Antonello's
- AR Industries
- Barclay Butera
- Bear Flag Restaurants
- Big Lots
- Blue Water Grill
- Bristol Farms -Yorba Linda
- CAIR-Califoria
- California Association of Food Banks
- Camilla
- Campo Beauty
- Chick-fil-A, Irvine-Woodbury
- Chinese Consulate
- Conaga Brands
- Container Store
- Continental Vending
- Core Pilates
- Costco Wholesale
- Del Monte Fresh Produce
- Descanso Beach Club
- Diamond Wipes
- Disneyland Hotel
- Dolce & Gabbana
- Dr. Deepika Chopra
- Eagle Produce, LLC
- El Cholo
- Empacadora GAB, Inc.
- Esquivel Shoes
- Fotis & Son Imports
- Frieda's, Inc.
- Friends of Harvesters
- From the Earth
- Galapagos Island Safari
- GDR Group
- Gelson's
- Georgeana Ireland
- Golden Goose Deluxe Brand
- Goodwill of Orange County
- Grocery Outlet
- Gulfstream
- Heirloom Décor
- House of Carbonadi
- International Paper
- Jerome Gastaldi Art
- Julia Post-Guenther
- Kelloggs
- Kings Hawaiian
- Knife Pleat
- Kroger/Ralph's/Food 4 Less
- Laura Baratta
- Legacy Farms
- Limelight Hotel
- Love Community Outreach
- Lynda Lawrence Salinger
- Mark & Susie Luer
- Matthew Biancaniello
- McKee Foods
- Mendocino Farms
- Mike Funk Art / Croul Publications
- Mondelez International
- Morgan Zhang
- Natural Products Expo
- Nestle Distribution
- Panera Bread
- Peppinos
- Perspire Sauna
- Placentia Family Dental
- Produce Marketing Association
- RA Yoga
- Radiant Hot Yoga
- Rogers Gardens
- Saint Laurent
- Seasons 52
- Simone Beaudoin
- Sir Speedy
- Smart & Final
- South Coast Plaza
- Southern California Gas
- Sprouts
- Starbucks
- Starbucks – Anaheim locations
- Susan Meyer
- Tailgate-Creative
- The Core Traveler
- The Habit
- The Home Edit
- Tony Hawk
- Tory Burch
- Trader Joe's
- Trish McKinney
- US Departpartment of Agriculture
- US Foods DC
- Valentino
- Veg Fresh
- Veg Land
- Versace
- Vicki Herron & Betty Rothman
- Walmart/Sam's Club
- Whole Foods Market
- Yard House Restaurant Group
- Yvette McCarthy
- ZAO Development
- Zinc